It is a fast and efficient and allow you to earn traffic for your site. With clear UI, totally free, hide the referrer on your sites and with much more!
- A quick registration.
- A fast validation of your websites, even automatic for certain websites.
- An unique autosurf engine!
- A server ready to support thousands of users.
That's how simplest Otohits has been made without further questions.
- A dynamic timer from 10 to 90 seconds
- Unlimited number of websites!
- Referrer is hidden for you site if you want!
- 1 point = 1 second
Click the banner or this link
- A quick registration.
- A fast validation of your websites, even automatic for certain websites.
- An unique autosurf engine!
- A server ready to support thousands of users.
That's how simplest Otohits has been made without further questions.
- A dynamic timer from 10 to 90 seconds
- Unlimited number of websites!
- Referrer is hidden for you site if you want!
- 1 point = 1 second
Click the banner or this link